Editorial Policy

The Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC) has a fully online submission and online reviewing system. This system offers authors the option of tracking by online based review process of their manuscripts. All manuscripts must be submitted with online from the system by registering.

The manuscripts submitted for the publication should correspond to the scope of The Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC). The journal covers theoretical and some applied aspects of analytical chemistry; it informs the reader of new trends in analytical methods, samples, and analytes; new instruments; and reagents.

Contributions to The Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC) will be published in English, and manuscripts must be submitted in that language. Either standard British or American spelling is acceptable, provided its use is consistent within the manuscript.

We highly recommend that non-native speakers of English have manuscripts proofread by a copy editor before submission. During submission, including a note from a copy editor may significantly reduce the review time of your manuscript. However, proof of copy editing does not guarantee acceptance of a manuscript for publication in the EJAC Journal.

James Hostetter (jhost[at]fastmail.fm) is suggested as a copy editor for English Language proofreading including grammar, sentence structure, content clarity, formatting, punctuation, and spelling.

Alternatively, authors may also use services from the following companies:

EditageEnago, or Elsevier Language Services.

EJAC Journal publishes only original scholarly works. We do not accept and will not publish manuscripts which are derivative of an author's previous work. Please do not submit your manuscripts simultaneously or separately to both EJAC​ Journal and another journal. In such cases the responsibility solely rests with the author(s).
