Peer Review Policy

Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry follows a strict review process. All submitted manuscripts are checked based on submission checklist and assigned to Academic Editor.

Academic editors manage review process and make decision for manuscripts. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers.

Role of the Academic Editor
Academic editors are educators who publish research articles in peer-reviewed journals in the field of analytical chemistry. Academic Editors are responsible for their subject category and make decision on submissions.

Academic Editors assigns at least two reviewers for each manuscript. Reviewers are chosen from scientists who are not having any potential conflict of interest with the submission. Also Academic Editors are not having any conflict of interest with the submitted paper.

After having at least two reviewers’ reports, Academic Editors make a decision for manuscripts. Academic Editors email their decision to the authors using by the ScholarOne submission system.

It is expected that Academic Editors make first decision for a manuscript within 6 weeks after its submission. If revisions are requested, publication time may become longer. After the review process, accepted papers will be published with a DOI number on the journal’s website.

Academic Editor who gave the acceptance decision is named on all published articles.
