Mobile Learning with Google App Engine

Mobile Learning with Google App Engine


  • S.K. Atika, Dr.C. Nalini, Dr.C. Rajabhushanam


Mobile Computing; Web App; Cloud Computing; Mobile Learning; MOOCs.


The speedy pace of modification being witnessed globally within the info and
Communication Technology sector likewise because the skyrocketing prices in obtaining
basic education wants met have forced several to hunt for other ways of meeting these
wants. Recent innovations in distance education displayed the pathway to new and
dynamic ways that of learning through Massively Open online Courses (MOOCs) geared
toward providing unlimited participation and open access via the online. Additionally to
the current, the quality of today’s learners and ubiquitousness of smartphones has seen a
surge in analysis focused on ways that of providing contextualized styles of learning that
meet the triad anyplace, anytime, and anyone. To the current impact there are growing
numbers of analysis publications at intervals the ambits of Mobile Native Apps, Mobile
internet Apps, Hybrid Apps and the way they're getting used to facilitate learning. however
with every of those solutions comes the difficulty of quantifiability and the way this may be
overcome to satisfy the ever increasing demands of passionate learners round the globe. In
this paper, we tend to plan to offer a cloud computing resolution for Mobile Learning with
Google App Engine





