Semantic Web Analysis Using Web Services

Semantic Web Analysis Using Web Services


  • K. Anita Davamani, S. Amudha


Semantic Web, Resources, Semantic Web Services, Metadata, Service Discovery


The Semantic Web is a major research initiative of the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) to create a metadata-rich Web of resources that can describe
themselves not only by how they should be displayed (HTML) or syntactically (XML), but
also by the meaning of the metadata. The main intent of semantic web is to give machines
better access to information resources so that they can be information intermediaries in
support of humans. The idea is to build a network of content stored on the web and making
it possible for machines to understand data and to satisfy requests from people and other
machines. In order to carry out their tasks intelligent agents must communicate and
understand meaning. The agent based method for semantic analysis enables computers to
understand documents written in natural language. To realize the vision of semantic
analysis we create markup of web services that makes them machine understandable and
use-apparent. Also agent technology is developed that exploits this semantic markup to
support automated web service composition and interoperability. Currently, a human must
perform all the tasks in the web. With semantic markup of services, we can specify the
information necessary for web service discovery as computer interpretable semantic
markup at websites, and search engine can automatically locate appropriate services. The
major semantic web services are automatic web service discovery, automatic web service
execution, and automatic web service composition and interoperability





