The Technique of Chemistry Lyceum Students’ Research Position Development: Research of Effectiveness

The Technique of Chemistry Lyceum Students’ Research Position Development: Research of Effectiveness


  • Mikhail Y. Shvetsov, Tatyana B. Makarova, Natalya N. Popova, Svetlana E. Kaplina, Olga V. Kozachkova, Vladimir S. Nurgaleyev & Svetlana I. Desnenko


Research Position, Development, Technique, Didactic Tools.


Reproductive ways of training make the core of a pre-university preparation system. In this regard,
both the development of techniques aimed to form students’ research position and their experimental
verification in the conditions of lyceum are considered in the paper. The following has been chosen as
the leading methods in the research of the proposed technique effectiveness: empirical (questioning,
interviewing, conversation, testing, ranging); observation (direct, indirect, and long-term pedagogical
survey); praximetric (analysis of activity products); pedagogical experiment (stating, forming and
control stages); synthesis of pedagogical experience; methods of mathematical and statistical data
interpretation (correlation analysis). The article provides the stages of students’ research position
development; the technique has been elaborated and its effectiveness has been experimentally proved;
components of students’ research position formation have been revealed. The validity of students’
research position formation upon systematic use of didactic tools – complex educational and research
tasks constructed on the object content of the studied discipline and providing multifactorial
experimenting has been proved.





