Phenyl butyrate acid inhibit tnf-alpha-induced nuclear atf6 expression in endothelial cells

Phenyl butyrate acid inhibit tnf-alpha-induced nuclear atf6 expression in endothelial cells


  • Oski Illiandri , Ahmad Husairi , Didik Dwi Sanyoto, Azma Rosida , Asnawati , Nugrahanti Prasetyorini , Soetomo Soewarto


Endothelial cell, patomechanism, phenyl butyrate acid


Endothelial cell (EC) is important tissue that has high plasticity in response to
vascular millieu change. However, its plasticity turn EC lead to its dysfunction and contribute
in several disease patomechanism. An inflammation agent such as TNF-α can induce EC
dysfunction via endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) pathway. Targeting ERS was new approach
in vascular biology to inhibit EC dysfunction. One of its biomarker is activating transcription
factor 6 (ATF6). However, ERS role in endothelial cells is still poorly understood. Hence we
performed in vitro experiment using phenyl butyrate acid as ERS inhibitor to TNF-α -inducedATF6 expression in human vein derived endothelial cells. We measured ATF6 expression in
endothelial cells as ERS biomarker and use phenyl butyrate acid (PBA) as potent selective ERS
inhibitor to block its pathway. The early result shows that PBA decrease translocated ATF6
expression in endothelial culture. From the result, it can been concluded that PBA has role in
decrease endoplasmic reticulum stress in endothelial cells





