Evaluation of the Socio-Economic Benefits from the Use of Outsourcing in the Service and Hospitality Industryters

Evaluation of the Socio-Economic Benefits from the Use of Outsourcing in the Service and Hospitality Industryters


  • Natalia A. Zaitseva , Tatiana G. Somovа, Anna A. Larionova , Zhanna V. Gornostaeva , Olga V. Eliseeva, Julia V. Tepina, Natalya A. Ryabokon


outsourcing, service, hotels, social and economic effect


Despite the popularity of the outsourcing model in the world practice in general, and
in the service and hospitality industry in particular, the lack of reasonable methods for
hotels to determine the real effects of outsourcing often leads to the complete refusal
of hotels to use outsourcing services. Therefore, it is important to develop
methodological tools for making reasonable economic decisions by hotel
management in the field of outsourcing services application. The purpose of the article
is to develop a methodology for evaluating the socio-economic effect of using
outsourcing services in the hospitality industry. To analyze the existing problem, we
used methods of systematization and generalization, quantitative and qualitative
study, that allow considering this problem as a complex, taking into account the direct
and indirect, positive and negative effects from the use of outsourcing services in the
service and hospitality industry. The article explores the main scientific and practical
interpretations of the definition “outsourcing”, and gives the author’s interpretation.
The results of the research allowed to reveal the main problems of using outsourcing
services by hotels. The authors suggested a model of decision-making on the hotel’s
use of outsourcing services based on an evaluation of its socio-economic impact. The
materials of this article can be used by owners and hired managers of the service and
hospitality industry enterprises when deciding on the transfer of some business
processes to outsourcing and determining its effect.


