Homicide by Multiple Personality Disorder in Sidney Sheldon’s Tell Me Your Dreams: A Psychological Approach

Homicide by Multiple Personality Disorder in Sidney Sheldon’s Tell Me Your Dreams: A Psychological Approach


  • S.Ashwini Selva Kumari, Dr.K.Krishnaveni, K.Selvi, Estharrani


Psychology of Literature, Multiple Personality Disorder, Homicide


Numerous Personality Disorder can be found in novel entitled Tell Me Your Dreams.
The character, Ashley Patterson was submitted the crime to five men. This examination will
concentrate on (1) the manifestations of Multiple Personality Disorder and, (2) the effect of
Multiple Personality Disorder to the manslaughter. The examination will utilize the subjective
research and documentation. The wellspring of information is from Sheldon's epic Tell Me
Your Dreams as the essential information. The supporting are from diary, book, article, and so
forth identifying with brain science. This examination will utilize mental methodology. The
hypothesis that utilization to break down are the Multiple Personality Disorder,
manslaughter, and brain science of writing by Wellek and Warren. The consequence of the
examination uncovers that (a) the character of Ashley get the mental mistreatment from the
maltreatment and disregard in youthful age. It makes her construct the barrier from the
trigger of re-involvement in the present life. (b) the resistances lead the character of Ashley
make the hasty move and the most exceedingly terrible was murdered individuals.


