Model for Student Spiritual and Moral Orientations Forming in Humanistic Paradigm Context

Model for Student Spiritual and Moral Orientations Forming in Humanistic Paradigm Context


  • Roza Sh. Akhmadieva, Ekaterina I. Artamonova, Mariya B. Zatsepina, Liudmila N. Vakhrusheva, Svetlana V. Savinova, Vladimir M. Shinkaruk, Veronika V. Kuznetsova


spiritual and moral orientations, student youth, humanistic education paradigm, model of spiritual and moral orientations formation


The paper relevance is determined by the student youth social crisis: a lack of moral
values; the absence of moral patterns, the dominance of glamorous attitudes in the
personal values formation, the student youth’s unformed moral core, which determine
the moral vacuum of the educational space. The authors consider the humanistic
(phenomenological) education paradigm comprehensively, presenting it as a system
that implements conditions for the trainee spiritual and moral development, granting
him freedom of moral and ethical choice in real life. The main conceptual idea of the
paper is related to the author’s position that the humanistic paradigm determines the
need for increased attention to high-quality professional and personal moral
characteristics, especially in demand against the backdrop of pragmatization and
blurring of spiritual and moral guidelines. The authors propose a model for the
students spiritual and moral orientations formation in the context of the humanistic
paradigm, which includes the following units: the targeted; structurally-substantial;
process-technological; criterion-diagnostic; organizationally-activities. The paper is
intended for researchers, educators, and psychologists dealing with the problems of
personal qualities formation, including the spiritual and moral orientations of student


