Peculiarities of Preparation of a Vocational Teacher for Use of Application Software Taking into Account the Requirements of the Federal State Education Standard

Peculiarities of Preparation of a Vocational Teacher for Use of Application Software Taking into Account the Requirements of the Federal State Education Standard


  • Elena Е. Neupokoeva , Nikolai К. Chapaev , Elena V. Chubarkova , Natalia S. Tolstova , Ksenia А. Fedulova , Anastasia V. Tokar


Dublin descriptor, competency-based approach, teaching the Bachelors of vocational education


The significance of the issue under study is due to the fact that nowadays there is a
necessity of rethinking of conception of training future vocational teachers to use
application software taking into account a competency-based approach. The article is
aimed at studying the contradictions underscored while analyzing the conditions of
the process of preparation of future vocational teachers for using application software
within the educational process and also the ways of their solving realized with the help
of the competency-based approach. The competency-based approach allows forming
a system of requirements for the practical part of the research based on technology of
project education. In the given research work the authors’ viewing of principles of
formation of conditions of preparation of the vocational teachers for using the
application software within the education process is presented. The analysis of groups
of conditions is made with regard to the discipline “Information Technologies in
Education.” With the use of traditional vision (“to know, to be able, to have”) and vision
from the point of view of Dublin descriptors. The contents of the article could be of
interest for teachers who are engaged into training the Bachelors of Vocational
Education (branch-wise) and also retraining in the sphere of use of the application
software in the education process.


