Physiological and Biochemical Characteristic of Elicitors Impact on the Vitis Vinifera Plants’ Phylloxera-Resistance

Physiological and Biochemical Characteristic of Elicitors Impact on the Vitis Vinifera Plants’ Phylloxera-Resistance


  • Nataliya I. Nenko , Irina A. Ilina , Evgeniy N. Vasiliev , Elena K. Yablonskay


grape-vine, phylloxera, elicitors, metabolome, productivity


The promising trend in the grape-vine cultivation technology is application of elicitors
to improve the resistance of plants to disease and insect attacks, phylloxera particularly.
The objective of work is a physiological and biochemical estimation of elicitors impact
on phylloxera-resistance of the Vitis Vinifera plants. The target of research are the ownrooted plants of the grape-vine technical grade Bianca, interspecies hybrid, of EuroAmerican origin. The plant growth regulator preparation Furolan and amino acid
methionine, and their composition served the function of elicitors. To determine the
content of protein, pigments in the leaves, the spectral method of analysis was used,
as for phenolcarbonic acids, amino acids, phytohormones, metal cations – the capillary
electrophoresis method. The application of elicitors in the grape-vine cultivation
technology permits to enhance the resistance of the Bianca grape-vine own-rooted
plants to affection both by the root and leaf form of phylloxera and is highly
competitive by its biological efficiency with a standard treatment variant, involving
application of the multiple crop protection chemicals. The application of elicitors has
an effect on metabolism of the grape-vine plants, increases the phenol compounds
content, stabilizes protein synthesis, activates photosynthetic activity. It permits to
activate the defense reaction of the grape-vine plants, to enhance the productivity, to
yield ecologically clean production without sacrifice of the grape-vine quality.


