Stimulation of Future Specialists’ Continuous Professional Training in Northern Educational Complex Conditions

Stimulation of Future Specialists’ Continuous Professional Training in Northern Educational Complex Conditions


  • Lyudmila V. Nesterova, Tatyana D. Karminskaya , Galina A. Stepanova , Vladimir A. Mishchenko , Anastasiya V. Demchuk , Aleksandr I. Kozhederov , Tatiana N. Bychkova


professional training, northern educational complex conditions, stimulation dynamic model, future specialists


The urgency of the problem under investigation is conditioned by the need for future
specialists continuous professional training implementation in the northern
educational complex “college - university” conditions and inadequate elaboration of
the theoretical-methodological, content-technological and scientific-methodical
managerial aspects of its stimulation process. The paper purpose is to develop a
stimulation model for future specialists’ continuous professional training in the
northern educational complex conditions on the system-activity approach basis and its
effectiveness proving in approbation. the study leading methods are the pedagogical
experiment and simulation that allow to study the problem of managing the
stimulating process of future specialists continuous professional training in the
northern educational complex “college - university” conditions in a complex way, to
prove the proposed model effectiveness. The paper presents the stimulation dynamic
model for future specialists’ continuous professional training in the northern
educational complex condition, consisting of interconnected units: epistemological,
axiological and reflexive ones; their features are revealed, the efficiency according to
the selected criteria is determined; an algorithm for implementing this model has been
developed. Practical significance: The model is aimed at stimulating of future
specialists’ continuous professional training and is focused on the scientific and
methodological support development of its functioning. The paper materials are of
practical value for heads of educational institutions of higher and secondary
professional education, as well as for institutions of additional professional education.


