Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Minors with Deviant and Delinquent Behavior: The Experience of the Russian System of Education

Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Minors with Deviant and Delinquent Behavior: The Experience of the Russian System of Education


  • Elena E. Lekareva, Vladimir V. Zaretskiy, Elena G. Artamonova , Valentina B. Salakhova , Olga I. Efimova , Natalia V. Kalinina


rehabilitation, deviant and delinquent behavior, minors, special educational institutions, technologies of prevention, correction and rehabilitation, educational milieu


The problem being studied is very important because it is connected with a high risk
of the formation of minors’ deviant and delinquent behavior under contemporary
social conditions and the need to find effective mechanisms and technologies for their
subsequent rehabilitation and re-socialization, also in the system of education. The
nature and dynamic patterns of juvenile delinquency in Russia have been analyzed and
the statistical data on child and adolescent crime is presented. The system of work on
minors’ rehabilitation and re-socialization in special educational institutions (further in
the text referred to as SEI) of Russia subordinated to the federal and regional ministries
of education has been described. Psychological, pedagogical, social, criminal
characteristics of the contingent of special educational institutions have been
characterized. The resources, goals and technologies of rehabilitation work of
institutions have been described. The presented data of monitoring studies reflect a
positive effect of the processes of adaptation, integration and re-socialization as a
result of measures for the comprehensive rehabilitation of minors at SEI. The
conclusion has been drawn that rehabilitation work with minors at SEI will be effective
if a structural-functional integrated model for the rehabilitation of teenagers at SEI is
designed and implemented. The results presented can be used by teachers,
psychologists and specialists of SEI, other educational institutions, specialists of
subjects for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency while organizing a
system of rehabilitation work with children and teenagers with deviant behavior,
including those who have committed a crime.


