Theoretical Methodological Basics for Studying of Transprofessionalism of a Subject of Socionomic Professions

Theoretical Methodological Basics for Studying of Transprofessionalism of a Subject of Socionomic Professions


  • Ewald F. Zeer , Vera S. Tretyakova , Dmitriy P. Zavodchikov , Mariya V. Zinnatova , Tatyana D. Bukovey


transfession, transprofessionalism, subject of socionomic professions, logic-conceptual model of transprofessionalism


Topicality of the issue under study is caused by the changed socio-economic
conditions and socio-technological development of the Russian economy, which
resulted in a considerable transformation of the scope of professions in the postindustrial society: these professions disappear, those are transformed and still those
appear for the first time ever. Along with conventional concepts of “profession” and
“specialty”, today’s profession studies (or professiology) refer, in increasing frequency,
to “transfession” - a new term denoting a type of labour activity which is realized on
the basis of synthesis and convergence of professional competences belonging to
different specialized scopes. Transprofessionalism as an ability to perform a wide range
of specialized activities can be regarded as one of profession studies features. It is
signification of socio-humanitarian technologies of development of this integral ability
of specialists in the system of continuous education which conditioned topicality of this
study. The purpose of this article is reviewing and generalization of bases and
prerequisites of transprofessionalism as a socio-humanitarian requirement and an
integral quality of a subject of socionomic professions in a dynamically changing socioprofessional environment. Leading methods of studying this issue are theoretical
methodological analysis of the subject and issue of the study on basis of examining
and logical generalization of scientific sources; plus, hypothetic methodological and
project methods can be considered. Description of the transprofessionalism
phenomenon was performed with supporting on the multidimensional, transdisciplinary, network and project approaches. The article presents a socio-humanitarian
psychology-pedagogical definition of transprofessionalism, its sense-generating
content, as well as criteria of transprofessionalism manifestation in a dynamically
changing socio-professional environment. Topicality of the transprofessionalism
phenomenon as a requirement to a subject in its integral quality demanding the
qualitatively new substantial and technological training of socionomic profession
specialists has been substantiated. In particular, it is stated that as the world’s and
Russian socio-technological economy develops, profession as a concept loses its initial
meaning as a scope of the social division of labour, while transprofessionals able to
perform a wide range of professional activities become competitive and highly sought
on an employment market. Materials of the article can be of interest for
methodologists, methodology supervisors and pedagogues of continuous vocational


