A Study on Employee Involvement, Employee Empowerment and Job Satisfaction in Automobile Sector

A Study on Employee Involvement, Employee Empowerment and Job Satisfaction in Automobile Sector


  • Dr.A. Krishna Sudheer, Dr.D. Rajasekhar


Job Satisfaction, Employees, Work, Variables, Involvement and Empowerment.


finding employees’ job satisfaction in any kind of organization is very tough task
to all researchers even time is not a main constraint and many people come to conclusion
that working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress and working hard for
something we love is called passion., for this study the researcher has taken 779 sample
size and from them 477 is usable for the study. During the study researcher has used
stratified sampling and simple random sampling has been used and the study has mainly
focused on demographic variables influenced towards employee involvement and job
satisfaction considering empowerment though it is a tough organization like automobile.


