An Empirical Relationship between Training and Development and Employee Performance

An Empirical Relationship between Training and Development and Employee Performance


  • M. Jayanthi, Dr.G.S. Maheswari


Training and Development contribute major places in the achievement
organizational goal. It develops productivity, profitability, turnover and even equity of the
organization. It provides health and safety measures to the workers. This is the one of the
investment to the organization and they have to earn this investment in productivity of the
employer. This training is given to employees in various reasons such as maintaining new
machinery purchased in the organization, learning of advanced technology , new product
an development etc., This is one of the good opportunities to the employees to their career
growth. The employee who has utilized the training and development in proper way
achieved lot. Training and development are essential strategic tools for effective individual
and organisation performance, organisation are spending money on it with confidence that
it will earn them a competitive advantage. The main aim of every organization is to develop
its performance but it can never be possible without the efficient performance of
employees. Therefore, the performance management system came into effect as a
management reform to address and redress concerns, organizations had about
performance (Sharif, 2002). In banks sector, a wide range of reforms that focus on the
performance have also been implemented (Downs, Chadbourne, & Hogan, 2000; Gleeson &
Husbands, 2001). Poor performance and corruption are made by the employees in regards
of without proper training and development given by the organization. Training is the
courage that avails the need of fluent and smooth functioning of work which supports in
improving the quality of work life of employees and organizational development. So, every
organization needs to study the role, importance and advantages of training and its
positive impact on development for the growth of the organization. Quality of work life is a
process in which the organization recognizes their responsibility for excellence of
organizational performance as well as employee skills. Training and development
employees are generally accountable for keeping company training and development
systems, to judge training needs and to form the delivery of training and development. The
firm cannot achieve against the competitor without proper training given to the employees.
Hence, Training and development is the main criteria to the organization as well as the
employees. This study focus the factors determining training and development and how
this is related with employee performance.


