Entrepreneurship as a Career Option – A Study among College Students

Entrepreneurship as a Career Option – A Study among College Students


  • Dr.C. BalaKrishnan, B. Suchithra


Entrepreneurs, Standard of living, Employment generation, Balanced regional development, Mindset of students


Entrepreneurs can change our economical condition. The successful
entrepreneurs with their creativity can enhance our standard of living, and also create
wealth to our nation. They become job providers instead of job seekers. They help for the
prosperity of our society as entrepreneurial development promotes industrial
development, regional growth, and employment generation. Entrepreneurs are the seeds of
industrial development and create greater employment opportunities which will reduce
unemployment of youth. It indirectly helps for balanced regional development through
increase in per capita income, increased saving and revenue to the government through
income tax, sales tax, export duties and import duties. Mindset of students is to seek
employment after their studies but if awareness on entrepreneurship is created among
college students they might search for new ideas to start a business. Students must be
motivated to take continuous effort to become entrepreneurs. If the students have
innovative ideas, their managerial skills can be developed and this in turn will promote the
economic development of our nation.


