Express Way Management

Express Way Management


  • C. Snehith Sharon, Shaik Afridi, Dr.C. Rajabhushanam


Way Management, Implemented Using ETC, Air Pollution, Road Construction.


Tolls are a form of user tax that usually pays for the cost of road construction and
maintenance without raising taxes on non-users. Historically, and sometimes today, tolls
are collected as a type of tax for the use of the local government or lord. Investor's bonds
necessary to pay for the construction and maintenance of the roads are issued and sold
with the expectation that the bonds will be paid back over time by user tolls. After the
bonds are paid off the road typically reverts to the government agency that owns the land it
was built on and had authorized the construction. access to toll roads are restricted to
prevent non-payers from using the road. Toll roads may be built to allow some users to
travel faster from one location to another relieving traffic congestion and speeding up
traffic for those who can afford it. These type systems may be one restricted toll lane or
more on an otherwise "free" road all roads have to be paid for somehow and are never
"free". Normally, road construction costs are paid for by the taxes on gasoline, diesel, or
other fuel. Users of toll roads still pay these taxes and the tolls for using this particular road
or lane. In addition to toll roads, toll bridges and toll tunnels are also used by public
authorities for revenue generation to repay for long-term debt issued to finance the
building and maintenance of the toll facility. Some tolls are collected to accumulate finances
to build future capacity expansion and maintenance of roads, tunnels, bridges, etc. Some
tolls are used as general tax fund for local governments and may have little or nothing to do
with transportation facilities. These types of tolls are usually limited or prohibited by
central government legislation. Also road congestion pricing schemes have been
implemented in a limited number of urban areas as a transportation demand management
tool in an attempt to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution





