Application of Various Dosage Vermicompost and Shade on Growth and Yield of Lowland Cabbage

Application of Various Dosage Vermicompost and Shade on Growth and Yield of Lowland Cabbage


  • BudyFrasetya, KundangHarisman,FarisAlrasyid


Altitude, microclimate, soil fertility


Cabbage plant in Indonesia is one of the most cultivate horticulture commodities.
Cabbage especially cultivate at upland with low temperature and adequate sunlight. The
need for quality fresh cabbage is increasing so that increasing the distribution channels to
consumers is expected to increase the freshness of vegetable compilation to consumers. High
temperatures and low soil fertility constrain cabbage planting in the lowlands. Giving
compost and shade to cabbage plants is recommended to increase lowland cabbage growth
by modifying the microenvironment. This study used an experimental research method
complete with a randomized block design consisting of two factors (different vermicompost
and color doses) repeated three times. The first factor is the vermicompost dose consists of
five levels (10 t ha-1, 15 t ha-1, 20 t ha-1, 25 t ha-1, 30 t ha-1) the second factor consists of
two levels (without shade and use shade). The main observations observed in this study were
plant height, age of cabbage head formation, fresh plant weight, cabbage head wet weight.
The results of the observation data were then analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at
the level of 5%. If the results of variance analysis are significant, the data than analysis with
Duncan's multiple range test at the level of 5%. The results showed that application
vermicompost and shade did not have an interaction effect on the growth and yield of
cabbage plants. The application of vermicompost 25 t ha-1 independently affected plant
height, plant fresh weight and cabbage head weight while the age of cabbage head formation
was not affected by the two levels of treatment given. Modification of microclimate by
providing shade in this study did not affect the parameters of growth and yield of cabbage





