Black Leadership of Moses and Enslaved Hebrew in Zora Neale Hurston's Moses, Man of the Mountain

Black Leadership of Moses and Enslaved Hebrew in Zora Neale Hurston's Moses, Man of the Mountain


  • Dr.P. Suresh, D. Angeline Jeba


Mediator, Leadership, Slavery, Race, Religion, Freedom, Class and Nature.


This paper dwells on the investigation of Zora Neale Hurston's Moses, a man of
the Mountain. It investigates the leadership quality of Moses and enslavement of Hebrews.
It explores various themes in the novel like slavery, religion, race, freedom, class, nature
which built upon a biblical narrative framework. This paper examines the mannerism of
male-centred character. This is an endeavour to investigate from various activist points of
view, the mission for the male role of a protagonist Moses (Moses, Man of the Mountain).
The hero's involvement is both spiritual and human world meet. Additionally, this novel
rewrites the story of the Book of Exodus of Moses and Israelites from an Afro-American
perspective. Concerning the discoveries, it applies some themes and motifs commonly
addressed in African –American culture, subverting the story of Moses. The uses of natural
imagery like animals, insects, reptiles, water and mountain to accentuate plot. The method
applied is a modified form of rhetorical criticism, which is understood to provide an
interpretive perspective on the text. This is accomplished through the investigation of its
main literary character Moses. The goal of this paper is to break down the enslavement of
Hebrews out of Egypt, the quality and leadership of Moses display in the Old Testament in
the Book of Exodus. Also, this paper demonstrates how the difficulties looked by the
protagonist and how their enslavement in Egypt ends up in the general public and the
partition from slavery, race, religion, freedom, class and nature in the general public. In
general the notion of race and racial purity and it is a profoundly philosophical exploration
of the very nature of freedom and self-empowerment.





