Corporate Reporting of the Future: On the Path towards New through the Analysis of Today

Corporate Reporting of the Future: On the Path towards New through the Analysis of Today


  • Natalia A. Prodanova, Nataliya S. Plaskova , Liudmila V. Popova, Irina A. Maslova , Irina M. Dmitrieva , Valentina A. Sitnikova , Julia K. Kharakoz


non-financial reporting; integrated corporate reporting; business model; reporting item; stakeholders; disclosure of capital use and conditions of added value creation. JEL Classification: М 21; М 40; G 32


The economic and financial crises of recent decades that have spread across the
world question some of the core principles of our economic system. In a joint effort to
strengthen our future, we continue to learn from another financial crisis that shook the global
financial system. Good corporate reporting should greatly contribute to the restoring of lost
confidence. Companies need to establish a more open and effective interaction with investors
and other interested parties and hold discussions in a simple understandable language to
communicate plans for sustainable development. For their part, stakeholders require more
transparent information about the strategy, business models, risks and business prospects of
the companies and organizations with which they deal. Under these conditions, the role of
financial and non-financial public reporting and the requirements to quality of information
disclosure are significantly increasing. The priority direction of corporate information
presenting is the preparation of integrated corporate reporting, which is increasingly seen as
a modern, effective management tool for an organization, providing the necessary
information connectivity and completeness of information disclosure about sustainable
business development. The article considers the main aspects of the implementation of
integrated reporting, its main features and principles of preparation, the main application
problems of corporate integrated reporting in Russia





