Industry 4.0 for Advanced Manufacturing and its Implementation

Industry 4.0 for Advanced Manufacturing and its Implementation


  • Seung Hyeog Moon


Industry 4.0, Advanced Manufacturing, Smart Factory, Industrial Revolution, Mass Customization.


Industry 4.0 in many countries related to advanced manufacturing is becoming
important. It seems that German government is willing to maintain the high-tech
leadership in the new revolutionary stage securing solid technology platform. Many
countries recognize that Industry 4.0 developed by Germany is the promising platform
with core technologies for the new era, namely 4th Industrial Revolution. It makes sense
since Germany is most competitive than any other country in manufacturing industry.
However, it is true that it has been challenged severely by followers. In this regard, German
government has prepared to deal with the difficulties and rapid changes of the industry.
The first key initiative in Industry 4.0 is to integrate interconnected factory systems and
Internet of Things (IoT). Cyber-physical systems (CPS) also play a role of major enabler in
the integrated environment. There are many variables to prepare advanced manufacturing
due to each country’s own policy and industry environment. This paper addresses how
Industry 4.0 will be implemented for advanced manufacturing enabling smart factories, as
well as the role of related technologies and implications for its future perspective.





