The Use of Cellulose from Palm Oil Empty Bunches for Water Filters

The Use of Cellulose from Palm Oil Empty Bunches for Water Filters


  • SajaratudDur, Abdul Halim Daulay


Cellulose, empty palm oil bunches, and water filter.


This study aims to obtain water that is suitable for use in bath water or industrial water.
This research utilizes natural resources, namely empty palm oil bunches from palm oil plantation
waste.The location of palm oil plantations is in North Sumatra. The water sample is use which the
water from the canal in the Medan Johor in Medan Subdistrict area. Invertigation did in
Laboratory of Base Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Scientific Universitas Sumatera Utara
for 3 months in 2018. Empty palm oil bunches used are empty bunches that are not from palm oil
mills but from empty bunches that fail to have fruit. This was chosen so as not to go through the
process of separating palm oil. The sample water was analyzed before treatment and analyzed
after treatment. Analysis of the quality and quantity of water consists of the content of Mg, Fe, and
Cu. The empty palm oil bunches of palm are processed to produce alpha cellulose. Cellulose is
tested with FTIR. The results of this study are expected to meet water quality standards for bath
water and industrial water. Cellulose is able to filter canal water that has not been contaminated
by industrial wastewater into proper water for bath water and industrial water.





