Theory of Lim Law: Leadership Style

Theory of Lim Law: Leadership Style


  • Dr. Valliappan Raju


Leadership, Leadership Theory, Management, Organizational Law.


Leadership is not about speed, it’s about direction. Corporates, politics, sports, spirituality etc. is driven by leaders with utmost direction to their subordinates. Several leaders existed and each had their own style of administering their followers. Focusing into corporate world, leadership plays a dominant role in determining the culture and reputation of an organization. The idea of ‘authenticity’ is a primary factor in leadership which is part of the new era in leadership research. However, various conceptions of authenticity include other traits such as creativity, personal traits, hopefulness, having enduring relationships, confidence, and behaving ethically. ‘Leadership in Management’ is the most appropriate terminology because it connotes more with managerial abilities. Sincere efforts are taken here to formulate a theory based on study of management stalwarts about their practices in leadership. Many scholars have inked a leadership theory for the purpose of enhancing and improvising the organizational behavior. This manuscript is a discovery of particular leadership style which is been practiced by prominent corporate leaders knowingly or unknowingly and has made a tremendous escalation in their respective organization. Terminology LIM abbreviates Leadership in Management. Theory of LIM Law is constituted and tested herewith with solid illustrations in the section Illustrative Paradigm. Adding to spectrum of numerous management theories, this Theory of LIM Law is an extension of Contingency theory which insists that every leadership style is situation based. Few leaders drive the organization with leniency, few with audacity. Ultimate aim is to direct the team towards triumph. Theory of LIM Law depicts a style whereby the leader dominates and leads with efficiency for best results. Disclosure is admitted that this cannot be considered as universal theory for success, but this can be one strong force of behavior to drive the organization. Several other theories are discussed under Literature Review section hereby merely for the purpose of recapping the existing theories and not for comparing those with LIM Law. The term ‘Law’ is titled as those leaders who practiced this style so far has spread it as organizational law. This manuscript thus is an attempt to submit a new theory which is been practiced severely by few leaders and ironically it’s not yet titled. Hereby Theory of LIM Law is submitted after full scrutiny, analysis and experimentation.





