Occupants’ Perceptions in Relations to Space: The Case Study of Senior Housing Design in Jakarta

Occupants’ Perceptions in Relations to Space: The Case Study of Senior Housing Design in Jakarta


  • Prof. Sri Astuti Indriyati


Perceptions, Behavioural, Architectural Concept, Senior Housing


The development of technology, aesthetics of forms, cultural preservation have created the color and culture of the Architecture Works development throughout the world. However, it has somehow ignored the importance of human aspects. Something very fundamental that should be underlined is how Human Dimension in Architecture and People as the End Users must be taking an important role in every work of architecture and should not be left in the creation of works of architecture to avoid the Failure of Architecture. Izumi expressed understanding the meshing between the architecture of human and non-human. "The buildings containing both people and objects need to be more humanized, e.g residential buildings, hospitals and prisons" (Holahan 1978, p.3). Senior Housing is one need to be humanized. The case study taken for the research is the Senior Housing in Jakarta. This is conducted in order to assess the occupants’ perceptions toward their living space as it is understood that the good perceptions of elderly will lead their positive health, peaceful feeling and happiness. The negative perceptions are also found and it is need to be solved out in order to avoid the failure of space design in the future. Comparing the International standard for housing space in the architecture references will be conducted and an attempt to provide architectural recommendation for the right people with their range of age and their own culture will be carried out. This is also to confirm the previous theory saying that one of the factors impacting perceptions and behaviour of occupants is their origins and people’s age.





