Post-War Absurdity and Deprival of Women: A Feministic Analysis of Harold Pinter’s The Caretaker

Post-War Absurdity and Deprival of Women: A Feministic Analysis of Harold Pinter’s The Caretaker


  • Mudasir Ahmad Mir, Vinita Mohindra


Absurdity, Communication, Existence, Homosociality, Woman.


Apart from destruction, World War II has given rise to a new phase to the traditional English drama entitled by Martin Esslin as the theatre of the absurd. It represents the post-war period in which every kind of suffering haunted the humans. The mid-20th century period has been an awful stage copious in predicament and misery. In the post-war period, humans faced excessive troubles at each step of their inhabitation. The play The Caretaker reflects on the dilemma among mid-20th-century individuals in England. It is observed that men suffered due to the patriarchal attitude and deprival of women in their life, which has been the effort of the paper. The predicament among men presents a distorted shape of the then livelihood. Though they strived to get out of their problem but could not overcome and dragged their life toward meaninglessness. However, women too suffered equally due to the irresponsible behaviours of post-war homosocial beings.





