New Source of Electricity Using Speed Arresters

New Source of Electricity Using Speed Arresters


  • K. Subbulakshmi, S. Saravana


Microcontroller, Spring, Pressure Sensor, Inverter Board, Load, Transformer.


In the present day scenario, power is a major need for human life. There
is a need to develop non- conventional sources for power generation due to the
reason that our conventional sources of power are getting scarcer by the day. This
paper gives the detail about vehicle pressure depends on the weight of the vehicle
that passes on the highways. The pressure here is mechanical energy. Hence we
convert this mechanical energy into electrical energy. This generated power can
be used for general purpose applications like streetlights, traffic signals. In
addition, we could also have solar panels, which would satisfy our power needs,
when there is no vehicular movement. This project is to generate electricity
through speed breakers. For obtaining the electricity through the speed breaker
mechanism a prototype model is developed and studied. Findings from this
research work are discussed below. The generator used here is permanent
magnet D.C. generator. The generator voltage is 12 Volt D.C. This D.C. voltage is
stored to the lead 12-volt battery. The battery is in turn connected to the inverter.
The inverter is used to convert 12 volt D.C. to the 230 volt. A.C voltage is used to
activate the light fan etc. By increasing the capacity of the battery and the inverter
circuit, the power rating is increased gradually. In the present scenario there is a
huge lack of electricity. In this project electricity is generated through speed
breakers present on roads. As vehicles on roads are increasing day by day, this
project helps to generate electricity as these vehicles pass through the speed
breakers. This electricity generated can be used for different purpose such as
lighting of signals and streetlights on road etc.





