Isolation of Heavy Metal Resistant Bacteria from Estuarine Environs in Southeast Coast of India

Isolation of Heavy Metal Resistant Bacteria from Estuarine Environs in Southeast Coast of India


  • R. Balasubramanian, K. Jaganathan, V. Kavitha, R. Ananthan


Water, Sediment, Physical parameters, Medium, Bacteria, Isolation, THB, HMRB.


Microbial communications with metals may have a few ramifications for the
earth. Microbial Organisms may assume a substantial job in the biogeochemical cycling of
lethal heavy metals likewise in tidying up or remediating metal-debased conditions. There
is likewise proof of a relationship between's resilience to substantial metals and antiinfection opposition, a worldwide issue as of now compromising the treatment of
contaminations in plants, creatures, and humans. Samples were made from both stations at
weekly interval for a period of three months (August –October 2009) and total of 12
samples were taken for the analysis. Nutrient agar medium were used to estimate the
bacterial density. Heavy metals joined media were utilized for the specific confinement of
substantial metal resistant bacteria. The concentration of every heavy metal Cu2+ and
Fe2+ was kept up from 10ppm to 50 ppm at 10 pmm interims in the way of life medium.
The cadmium from 0.5 to 2.5ppm was maintained in the culture medium. Salinity was
ranged from 32 to 18 ppt and pH was varied from 8.2 to 7.4 in these stations. THB
population were biochemically identified with five species up to genus level of water and
sediment in both stations. Maximum of temperaure (340C) was observed at the Vellar
estuary in the month of Aug. 2009. Minimum of 180C was observed at Uppnar estuary in
the month of Oct 2009. The THB colonies ranged from 3.581X10-9 CFU/ml to 4.325
CFU/ml in water samples at Station 1. The THB colonies varied from 5.712X10-9 CFU/g to
6.971 CFU/g was recorded in sediment samples at Station1. The THB colonies ranged from
2.4 X10-9 CFU/ml to 6.1 CFU/ml in water samples at Station 2. The THB colonies varied
from 2.6 X10-9 CFU/g to 9.9 CFU/g was recorded in sediment samples at Station2. The
maximum density of HMRB were observed 10 ppm of Cu, Fe and 0.5 ppm of Cd in both
water and sediment samples at both stations. A few microbial bacteria can oppose the
heavy metals at high poisonous dimensions and the obstruction might be interceded by
hereditary elements, creation of chelating operators, authoritative by cell surface slime or
potentially oxidative detoxification





