The Effect of Village Funds for Community Facilities and Infrastructure On Village Community Participation

The Effect of Village Funds for Community Facilities and Infrastructure On Village Community Participation


  • Hendra Dermawan Siregar, Subhilhar, Muhammad Arif Nasution, Heri Kusmanto


Facilities, Infrastructure, Community Participation.


Carrying out the construction of facilities and infrastructure in the village, there
are always problems, especially at the level of human resources, where in one rural area
there are several hamlets and diverse ethnic cultures so that they always differ in opinion.
During the meeting about the use of village funds, each hamlet submitted a request to the
village head whose results had not yet been implemented. There are still people who do
not understand about the use of village budget funds, for example, people who have hit
land in widening the road and they are asking for temporary compensation in the use of
village funds there is no compensation term, there are only mutual understanding and
knowledge because the made for mutual benefit. Research Findings Village Funds for
community facilities (independent variables) have a positive and significant effect on
village community participation (dependent variable) which means that if there is an
increase in Village Funds for community facilities, it will affect village community
participation in Deli Serdang District, North Sumatera, Indonesia. The independent variable
has a positive and significant effect on the participation of the village community
(dependent variable) meaning that if an increase in the Village Fund for the construction of
community infrastructure will affect the participation of the village community.





