Career Opportunities for the Management’s Personnel Reserve

Career Opportunities for the Management’s Personnel Reserve


  • Andrey V. Kirillov, Denis S. Ushakov, Mikhail V. Vinichenko, Sergey A. Makuchkin, Alexander V. Melnichuk


personnel reserve; career opportunities; gender dimension; management personnel development.


Paper discusses the career opportunities of the management’s personnel reserve, considering theorists
and practitioners basic issues on organizations' abilities to ensure reservists’ career growth. The study
analyzes staff opportunities to get into the management’s personnel reserve and employees’
expectations on the management’s personnel reserve. Using questionnaires we revealed that it is
difficult to get into the management’s personnel reserve, the most of the respondents (62%) has no
such opportunity. As the most valuable career opportunities respondents consider professional growth
(58%) and personal managerial skills development (55%). They also hopes on the clarification of
personal development trajectory, career advancement and acquisition of new relationships that are
enable to facilitate further promotion. Gender approach proved men priority in sociability. While
women in the personnel reserve are looking for more independence. The age aspect also influences
the reservists' ability. Despite some advantages of youth, managerial sphere highly needed for
experienced staff at the age of 31 - 40 years. Significantly reduced career opportunities are typical for
employees older than 50. Based on the research, it was concluded that the career opportunities of the
management’s reserve should not be limited - all employees’ potential has to be aimed at
organization competitiveness increasing and takes into account the reservists’ gender and age


