Dynamics of Mental States’ Representations in the Conditions of Experimental Influence

Dynamics of Mental States’ Representations in the Conditions of Experimental Influence


  • Alexander O. Prokhorov, Albert V. Chernov, Mark G. Yusupov


mental representation, mental state, dynamics, experimental influence, learning activity


The study of the human mental state as a mental phenomenon supposes a study of
different parts of representations in the state of consciousness. The emergence and
consolidation of mental representations of states associated with the processing of
internal sensations and impressions that in comparison with the content of an earlier
experience form the mental structures associated with the current state. The aim of
research is the study of the dynamics of mental states’ representations of students in the
experimental exposure. The experiment involved 30 people aged 18-19 years.
Investigation of the stability-variability of mental representations was carried out as
follows. First recorded baseline characteristics of mental states’ representations:
associative, evaluative and imaginative. Then students described the current state.
Associative characteristics of mental representations before and after the relaxation
session differ in sectoral and generative characteristics. Found the impact of the
mobilizing effects on the imaginative characteristics of mental states representations:
there is an increase of sensitivity to external influences, clarity, awareness of perception,
memory improvement. Revealed leading regulatory function of meditation. After the
meditation the intensity of evaluative characteristics of mental representations of states
close to the average values. The significance of the results obtained is that there is a
leading regulatory function of meditative techniques in changing of mental states.


