Estimation Technique of Integration Processes in Innovation

Estimation Technique of Integration Processes in Innovation


  • Alexey I. Shinkevich, Roza P. Ivanova


Integration, innovations, joint projects, a balanced system of indicators, key performance indicators, scientific and educational institutions


The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the need to recognize innovative
activities as priority areas of socio-economic development in the face of increasing
competition of national and regional innovation systems. The purpose of the article is to
develop a theoretical approach to studying the integration space of modern holding
structures using key indicators of integration efficiency. The tendencies of innovative
activity in realization of joint innovative projects are analyzed. The author's approach with
use of key indicators of efficiency of integration processes in a projection of the balanced
system of indicators is offered. The materials of the article are of theoretical and practical
importance for the development and implementation of federal and regional innovative
development programs, as well as in the development of the strategy of state innovation


