Regional Investment Policy: Analysis and Assessment of the Investment Environment State

Regional Investment Policy: Analysis and Assessment of the Investment Environment State


  • Gulnara M. Kvon, Irina V. Lushchik, Mikhail A. Karpenko, Natalia A. Zaitseva, Andrei A. Kulkov, Alexander A. Galushkin, Nailya M. Yakupova


region, investment policy, social and economic development, investment environment.


The urgency of the problem studied in the paper is conditioned by the fact that stable
functioning and development of economic entities, sectors of the economy, regions and
the country cannot be carried out without investments. In the modern economy of the
Russian Federation, whose conditions of existence can be called non-stationary, one of
the problems is attracting investment resources into economic activity and overcoming
the conditions for slowing and stopping the growth of the country's economy caused by
external unfavorable economic circumstances. In connection with the foregoing, the
policy of attracting and managing investments in the regions of the Russian Federation,
with a view to ensuring conditions for overcoming the crisis phenomena and resuming
the economic growth of the country and its subjects is of particular interest. The intensification of the state investment policy is a core prerequisite for the transition of the
economy to sustainable growth. However, in economic market conditions the state is not
able to solve this problem to the full. Therefore, the process of activating investment
policy at the regional level is becoming topical. The purpose of the paper is to study the
management and implementation of investment policy in the region on the example of
the Republic of Tatarstan, the analysis and assessment of the investment environment’s
state. The leading method to research this problem is the statistical one, which is a
method of quantitative analysis of a set of homogeneous facts that determine in the
aggregate the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones. The paper presents
the results of assessing the socio-economic development of the region, analyzes the
indicators that allow characterizing the investment environment’s state. The paper also
presents the strategic priorities of the region's investment activities, analyzes the
opportunities for their implementation in conditions of non-stationary state, and makes
sound conclusions about the need to activate regional investment policies. The materials
of the paper are of practical value for specialists dealing with the implementation of the
investment policy of the region. 


