AZO Dye Degrading Bacteria Isolated From Cow Dung in Trichy Districrt, Tamilnadu, South India

AZO Dye Degrading Bacteria Isolated From Cow Dung in Trichy Districrt, Tamilnadu, South India


  • P.Gajalakshmi, K.Indira, G.Vaijayanthi, G. Kalaivani


Bacteria, Azo dye, Degradation, FT –IR and HPLC


Dye degrading efficiency of bacteria isolated from Cow dung in Trichy District. Four
different bacterial strains Enterobacter sp., Klebsiella sp., Serratia sp., and Bacillus sp. were
isolated. The dye degrading efficiency was ranging between 24.03% to 61.52%. As the days of
incubation were increasing from 1 to 7 days the degradation efficiency was also increasing to
a greater extent. When compared to all the bacterial isolates Bacillus sp. is a highly promising
agent, which could act as an efficient dye degrader. Because, from the first day onwards, the
degradation was high (34.10%), and after that, at every day incubation the degradation was
increasing profoundly. 46.31%, 54.26% and to a maximum of 98.44% at the end of 7 days.
Almost hundred % of degradation was effected by this isolate. The entire cell Supernatants
also showed equal dye degrading ability. FT –IR, HPLC results confirmed that, the complex,
toxic azo dyes are degraded in to simple, non toxic compounds. Due to the removal or the
complete degradation the environment is protected from Azo dyes.


