Development and Concentration Efficiency Study of Enterprises Innovation Activity in Real Sector of Economy

Development and Concentration Efficiency Study of Enterprises Innovation Activity in Real Sector of Economy


  • Tatiana V. Malysheva , Alexey I. Shinkevich, Elena V. Zelenkina, Ivan S. Denisov, Tatyana M. Vorotyntseva, Olga A. Dmitrieva, Vladimir I. Kurdyumov


innovation, innovation implementation phases, efficiency evaluation technique, innovation costs, innovation activity, production efficiency


The relevance of the issue under investigation is reasoned by the fact that in growing
global competition and expansion context, on the one hand, and economic constraints
related to geopolitical tensions, on the other hand, a key factor in the enterprises
competitiveness and priority positions achievement in the world market will be their
transition to innovative production technologies and business. Topical and promising
one in this case is to achieve competitive excellence, increase business efficiency
through the innovations’ projecting and commercialization. The paper purpose is to
investigate the efficiency and specificity level of the ongoing innovation processes in
the real sector of the economy as innovative transformations key segment and the
basis for increasing the territory competitiveness. The leading method to the problem
study is the method of systemic economic analysis, which allows revealing the essence,
regularities, trends of the processes occurring at all levels of innovative
transformations. To assess the innovative activity concentration and enterprises’
innovative development nature, it is proposed to use analysis methods based on the
cost efficiency evaluation, depending on the effect magnitude achieved as a result of
innovations practical use, enabling to diagnose competitive and non-competitive
producing groups, to determine the resource and innovation potential with strategy
development further construction. The research materials can be used in innovative
transformations management in organizations of the real sector of the economy,
economic regional systems formation, the territories competitiveness management
and innovative development’s strategies construction.


