Migration Safety in Education: Adaptation of Migrant Students to Conditions at Higher Educational Establishments

Migration Safety in Education: Adaptation of Migrant Students to Conditions at Higher Educational Establishments


  • Vera S. Tretyakova, Tatyana V. Nosakova , Nadezhda F. Ufimtseva , Vladislav I. Ovchinnikov


adaptation, higher educational establishment, migrant students, social, psychological and pedagogical activities


The topicality of the problem under study stems from the changed geopolitical and
socioeconomic conditions in Russia, which resulted in uncontrollable international and
migration processes, changes in the ethnic composition of territories, worsening of
ethnic and social relations of migrants and members of the society receiving them,
search for educational paradigms complying with new conditions of the country’s
development. The aim of the research is to determine specific features relating to
adaptation of migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments and
to draw up a programme of social, psychological and pedagogical activities to adapt
migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments. The leading
research method is an experimental one, which enables us to fully consider the problem
of adapting migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments. The
article outlines a system of social, psychological and pedagogical help to migrant
students needed to optimise a process of their adaptation to an educational
environment. The programme is aimed at creating social, psychological and
pedagogical conditions for the efficient interaction of all members of an educational
process, as well as full fulfillment of a person in conditions of a poly-cultural
educational process. Teachers, curators, heads of subdivision and administrations of
higher educational establishments may find the materials of the article useful.


