Pedagogical Conditions of Primary Drug Abuse Prevention among Students of a Higher Education Institution

Pedagogical Conditions of Primary Drug Abuse Prevention among Students of a Higher Education Institution


  • Tatiana Yu. Shaydurova , Evgenij M. Dorozhkin , Lyudmila D. Starikova , Andrey А. Shaydurov , Ekaterina V. Zaitseva


drug abuse prevention, healthy lifestyle, health saving technologies, pedagogical condition


The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that being one of the
least adapted and socially unprotected groups, young people bear the impress of
general social uncertainty, lack of confidence and uneasiness, as a result of it, drug
addiction problems among young people are pushed into the forefront among socialpedagogical and psychological-pedagogical problems. The purpose of the presented
article consists in theoretical reasons, development experimental and research check
of a complex of the pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of primary prevention
of drug addiction among students of a higher education institution. The leading
method to a research of this problem is the modeling method that enables to consider
this problem as a purposeful and organized process of creation of the pedagogical
conditions necessary for effective primary prevention of drug addiction among
students of a higher education institution. The complex of the pedagogical conditions
providing efficiency of process of primary drug abuse prevention is presented in the
article. It consists of the pedagogical analysis of the reasons of a drug abuse, detection
of specifics of a drug abuse of youthful age, the choice and use of the methods and
agents of primary prophylaxis of a youth drug abuse, development of a special course
for training of specialists which are carrying out activities for prophylaxis of the drug
habit at educational organizations. The complex of pedagogical conditions is focused
on the process organization of drug abuse prevention among students and focused on
development of methodical ensuring process of training of the teachers who are
carrying out activities for drug abuse prevention in educational organizations. The
materials of article can be useful to teachers of higher education institutions and
colleges participating in the organization and carrying out preventive measures of a
drug addiction, and also to the listeners, graduates of military academies, and practical
staff of Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation who are interested in
drug addiction problems.


