Service Enterprises’ Non-Price Competition Economic Aspects: Macro and Meso Level of Research

Service Enterprises’ Non-Price Competition Economic Aspects: Macro and Meso Level of Research


  • Iliyas R. Galiullin, Alexey I. Shinkevich, Aleksandr A. Novikov , Elena V. Novikova , Rashad A. Kurbanov , Ramin A. Gurbanov , Irina V. Shireva


system approach, service sector, methodology, macro environment, resource markets, competitive advantages, product differentiation


The urgency of the problem stated in the paper is due to the fact that competition is
the market basic institution, the most important condition for its effectiveness as a form
of economic activity organization. The Competition Institute embodies the market’s
and the state’s organic unity, and therefore the state should act as an instrument for
its protection. Maintaining a competitive environment is not an end in itself. The
competition promotion is a factor for efficiency increasing both at the micro level and
at the level of the national economy as a whole. The competition development should
become an organic part of institutional and structural transformations. The purpose of
the paper is to analyze critically the multiple definitions and definitions, to substantiate
and to identify the logical chain of non-price competition’s economic advantages at
research various levels on the macro and micro environment of the service enterprise.
Methods for studying this problem are: a comparative analysis method, generalization
and systematization of facts, methods of factor, graphic, financial analysis, and the
method of economic and mathematical modeling. Study structure. The paper
substantiates the non-price competition economic advantages, identifies the segments
of macro and microenvironments competitive advantages in basic system-forming
units, and gives the author’s interpretation for the concept «the basis (component) of
enterprise competitiveness». Practical value is determined by the possibility to use the
proposals developed in the course of the study for a comprehensive improvement of
economic policy conducted in the Russian Federation.


