Foundation of Psychological Support in the Emotional Experience of Professional Identity Crisis by Teachers

Foundation of Psychological Support in the Emotional Experience of Professional Identity Crisis by Teachers


  • Nadezhda O. Sadovnikova, Tamara B. Sergeeva , Svetlana S. Kotova , Irina I. Khasanova , Arseniy O. Pesterev


professional identity crisis, emotional experience, value-semantic sphere, reflection, psychological support


The background of the researched problem is determined by the psychological and
pedagogical science’s and practice’s need to supplement the ideas about teachers’
professional development and about the course of their getting through the emotional
experience due to difficulties of this process; as a result, it is necessary to study
psychological foundations of building of psychological support programs in the
process of school teachers’ getting through a professional crisis under conditions of
permanent changes in the educational system. The main approach to studying this
problem is the interview and phenomenological method that allows to identify and
justify psychological basis of building of teacher support programs. The theoretical
analysis allows to identify the nature of the support process, its goals and objectives,
and to justify the methodological basis of the support program realization. The empiric
results demonstrated that the process of teachers getting through the professional
identity crisis goes hand in hand with the value-semantic transformation of a person
and with “launching” of reflexive processes which, in turn, justifies resorting to them as
to the psychological basis of building of teacher support programs. The research results
expand the understanding of the nature of professional identity crisis phenomenon,
the process of coming through it and supplement the data of the basis of building of
teacher support programs.


