A Survey on Approaches to Solve Travelling Salesman Problem

A Survey on Approaches to Solve Travelling Salesman Problem


  • S. Prabakaran, T. Senthil Kumar, J. Ramana, K. Chandan Reddy


Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is widely used in traffic management and the
transportation industry where the route optimization would speed up services and
increase efficiency. In this paper, we survey the most popular approaches including
dynamic and meta-heuristic algorithms to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem. Our
survey clearly indicates that meta-heuristic algorithms like Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO)
take additional time to arrive at the solution but returns the best optimal route when
compared with others. Hence, we take our research forward in improving the ACO
technique to support environmental changes like weather, traffic congestions and delays in
real time and return the optimal route.


