How to increase Organizational Commitment through Employees Participation

How to increase Organizational Commitment through Employees Participation


  • P. Annakili, Dr.R. Jayam


Participative Decision making, Organizational Commitment, Productivity, Motivation.


“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes--- but no
plans”- Peter Drucker. Employees are very important person in all the Organizations.
Employees with higher commitment are more constructive and proactive with their work.
A highly committed employee only gives maximum production. In order to increase the
organizations productivity and benefits, the other effect is organizational commitment.
This research will focus on the question; How to improve Organizational Commitment? In
our country many types of practices are available to increase the Organizational
Commitment. 1. Participatory decision making 2. Training and Development 3. Job Security
4. Teamwork 5.Reward 6. Communication 7. Information Sharing. In this study we
examined how to increase Organizational commitment through various research studies


