Impact of E-commerce on Global Business Environment: A Conceptual Study Focus on Middle East

Impact of E-commerce on Global Business Environment: A Conceptual Study Focus on Middle East


  • Dr. Gopalakrishnan Soundararajan


E-commerce, Global Business Environment, Marketing Strategies, Employment


E-commerce means using internet in business activity which helps to develop the
business nationally and internationally (Turban, 2010). In Middle East, e-commerce
growth is expected to touch $24 billion by 2020 and in worldwide e-commerce sales will be
$4.88 trillion. Middle East look forward to use the e-commerce facilities in logistics
industry and motivate small medium industries (SME’s) to invest money in e-commerce
services for developing international trade activities (,2017). The growth of ecommerce in Middle East region is enormous due to high spending potential, high per
capita income, development of logistics system, increasing of internet usage by youth and
high internet penetration level. The purpose of this study is to know the importance of ecommerce, business growth, marketing strategic formation and employment impact in
Middle East.


