Role of HR Professionals in Achieving CSR Objectives

Role of HR Professionals in Achieving CSR Objectives


  • Kumari Neeraj, Singh Devi, Sharma Pooja


Corporate Social Responsibility, Commitment, Culture, Change Agent, Ethics.


Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to
behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of
life of the work force and their families as well as the local community and society at large.
The study aims to find out the relationship between employees needs, accountability,
loyalty and trust with CSR activities, and to study the role of Human Resource professionals
in carrying out Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Data has been gathered with the
help of a structured questionnaire. The sample size is 50. Respondents were selected on
the basis of convenience sampling. The analysis revealed that three factors namely
developing culture, acting as a change agent and the role of accountability were seen as
roles that were dominant and critical to the implementation of Corporate Social
Responsibility in the organizations. It can be safely said that Human Resource is taking a
more proactive role as an Active Business Partner. CSR has increased motivation level of
the employees. The analysis also revealed that CSR activities increase employee
commitment towards work and organization. This leads to positive and efficient results.


