Investigation of Disease from Multiple Health Care Data by Using HL7 Message on HDFS

Investigation of Disease from Multiple Health Care Data by Using HL7 Message on HDFS


  • M. Ramamoorthy


Health Level 7 (HL7), Healthcare, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Deep Analysis.


To furnish a detailed analysis on the healthcare data in HL7(Health Level 7) by
utilizing Big data analytics and to create disease prediction system as the healthcare sector
is considered as one of the important industries in information technology. In the past few
years, healthcare data has become more complex with huge amount of data related to ever
growing and changing technologies, mobile applications and discovery of new diseases.
The belief of healthcare sectors is that healthcare data analytics tools are important to
manage a large amount of complex data, to improve healthcare industries, efficiency and
accuracy in medical practice. Information technology is a boon for the healthcare sectors to
upgrade their efficiency in healthcare performance availing the provided data and
information. The concept of big data though not new is constantly changing with attempts
of defining big data and inventing newer hardware and software mechanisms to store,
analyze and visualize the data in keeping with the requirements of collection of data
elements as per the requisite size, speed and type. Velocity, variety and volume are the
three innate aspects of the data produced. Furthermore, each of these data repositories is
isolated and inherently incapable of providing a platform for global data transparency





