Neighbor Non-correlated Routing Enhancement for Reducing Inter-Path Interference in MAN (NCCC-13)

Neighbor Non-correlated Routing Enhancement for Reducing Inter-Path Interference in MAN (NCCC-13)


  • Dr.V. Khanna, Dr.R. Udayakumar


MANET, Routing Algorithms, Multi-path Routing, Neighbor Non-correlated Multipath.


In MANET whenever there is a need to send data packet from a source s to
destination d, a route is discovered from s-d which usually consists of a shortest path. But
use of such shortest path leads to congestion at the intermediate nodes causing a lot of
packet drops. One solution to overcome this problem is load balancing. There are several
techniques of load balancing proposed in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. The methods are
mainly based on finding multipath between a pair of source and destination nodes and
finally splitting the traffic across the paths. The major issues of conventional multipath
routings i.e. node, and link disjoint routings are that they present a lot of control overhead
and are not really power saving due to lot of interference in the physical layer. Since nodes
communicate through the shared wireless medium, the selected paths need to be as
independent as possible in order to avoid transmissions from a node along one path
interfering with transmissions on a different path. In this paper we propose a modified
version of Adhoc On-Demand Distance Vector Multipath (AODVM) protocol called
“Neighbor Non-correlated Multipath Routing” protocol. The main goal of “Neighbor Noncorrelated Multipath Routing” is to reduce the interference among the constituent
multipath which not only minimizes the control packets overhead but also ensures that the
packet losses due to interferences are minimum. The technique is further compared with
the other multipath routing techniques such as node and link disjoint multipath and the
results are presented.





