Online Smart Card Verification Using Three Level Authentication

Online Smart Card Verification Using Three Level Authentication


  • Dr.V. Khanna, Dr.R. Udayakumar


Zero Knowledge, Encryption, Decryption, Smart Card, Authentication, Password.


The smart cards are playing a vital role in the online transaction where we
cannot verify the cardholder in person. The phishing websites may spoof the data in
between the client site and the merchant site. To protect the data and transaction here we
are introducing the three level authentications. In proposed methodology there are two
phases i.e. Registration and login. During registration phase manipulate the password
which will encrypt and divided into two partitions i.e. partition 1 will stored in the user or
client side, partition 2 will stored in server side. Next level is to upload the user photo
which will encrypt and split into two shares each are stored separately. At last zero
knowledge code will be get updated and it is also get stored as two parts. During the login
phase before starting the transaction the user and server must reveal their three authentic
information shares if both stacked data got match then the user is valid and server is not a
phishing website.





