Prospects For Forming The Export Potential Of The Aviation Complex Of Ukraine On The Basis Of Public-Private Partnership

Prospects For Forming The Export Potential Of The Aviation Complex Of Ukraine On The Basis Of Public-Private Partnership


  • Ganna Gurina, Serhii Podrieza, Nazariy Liskovych


aviation industry, potential, strategy, aviation complex, development of export potential, aviation complex, economic security, mutually beneficial cooperation, state policy, resources, international experience, Public-Private Partnership.


The article deals with the process of formation of the export potential strategy of the
aviation industry. The article describes the peculiarities of aircraft manufacturing and the
building blocks which reflect the general potential of the aviation industry of Ukraine.
Important and extremely relevant for the Ukrainian economy is the use of recommendations in
combination with the creation of a favorable investment climate in the country through the
formation of competitive markets, observance and fulfillment of all conditions and obligations
assumed by itself in accordance with signed, ratified international agreements, updating of
approaches to formation export potential of the industries of the country's economy. The result
should be an increase in the level of economic security, the introduction of effective mechanisms
of cooperation between the state and private partners, and, ultimately, raising the socioeconomic level of living. The article analyzes the successful international and national
experience of using public-private partnership (PPP) and evidence that it is an instrument of
partnership, equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between the state and territorial
communities in the person of the relevant state authorities or local self-government bodies and
business, within the framework of which joint efforts are directed at realization of projects
which allow to solve important socio-economic and other problems. The special interest of the
authorities in the use and development of the PPP is related to the benefits of this mechanism
for attracting resources (financial, investment, technological, and management), especially in
the current situation of significant discrepancy between the needs of economic development
and available budgetary resources. A professional, consistent approach to the use of PPPs can
ensure the use of internal development resources at the regional and local levels, which will
have a positive impact on the implementation of the new state policy. The participation of a
private investor can ensure more efficient use of financial resources and involve the experience
of a private partner for the effective implementation of PPP projects.





