Vulnerability Measures in Android OS

Vulnerability Measures in Android OS


  • Dr.C. Nalini, H. Afroz


Android, Android security, Linux, mobile, smartphone, mobile security, mobile threats, Java.


Presently Smartphone's are essentially little PCs with included administrations,
for example, GSM, radio. Consequently it is consistent with say that next eras of working
framework will be on these Smartphone and any semblance of windows, IOS and android
are demonstrating to us the look at this future. Android has as of now increased critical
favorable circumstances on its partners regarding piece of the overall industry. One of the
explanation for this is the most essential component of Android is that it is open-source
which makes it free and permits any one individual could build up their own particular
applications and distribute them uninhibitedly. This openness of android brings the
engineers and clients an extensive variety of comfort yet at the same time it builds the
security issues. The real danger of Android clients is Malware contamination through
Android Application Market which is focusing on a few escape clauses in the design
principally on the end-clients part. This paper exhibits the present condition of Android
security systems and their restrictions additionally recognize certain security necessities





