Control Model of Work Programs for Governance Activities in a University

Control Model of Work Programs for Governance Activities in a University


  • Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi, Sholeh Hidayat, Suherman, and Suparno


Governance, Planning, Control Model, Work Program, University.


Governance is behaviour, method, or a way used by a university to optimally utilize all the potential and elements possessed, in an effort to achieve the vision and mission that has been set. Planning has a very basic function in achieving a goal related to the effort to achieve the vision and mission. In order to measure the planning carried out in a tertiary institution, and can be implemented, it is necessary to control in making work programs. The work program control model is made for the governance of university activities in this study. The control model is based on the number of days of activity and number of employees. The study aims to control work programs in universities. To achieve this goal, the work program control model is based on the number of lecturers and education personnel. The results of the control model analysis show that the number of activities for one year are as follows: 60% of faculties, 15% of postgraduate programs, 13% of institutions, 7% of bureaus, and 5% of Technical Implementation Units. Because it has a large number of study programs, the faculty has the largest number of activities. Leaders can follow and evaluate the quantity and quality of each activity by controlling activities in each work unit in the university environment.





